Photography class at Women’s Café in English

18.05.2022 kl. 10:50
This Friday May 20th we will have a session on photography.

Welcome to join and listen to Vika Aaltonen talk about taking photos and giving us practical advice! We open at 12 and close at 14.

The location is LillaLuckan, Yrjönkatu 27, second floor. We serve coffee and tea and something to snack on. Just show up, no registration needed.

The Women's Café in English -meetings are organised in a relaxed, informal way around a cup of tea or coffee. Make new friends and get involved in what is happening locally. 

Please, follow us on Instagram at kvinnis_sornas and in the facebookgroup Women’s Café in English Networking to get the latest information.

If you want to join the Women’s Café in English Whatsapp group please send an email to 

The cafe is organized by Svenska Kvinnoförbundet i Sörnäs in collaboration with Luckan Integration.

Warm welcome!

Time to become a member of our organisation Svenska Kvinnoförbundet i Sörnäs? Please read more and get registered today!

Fredrika Biström